Plan miasta Zrnovce

Zrnovce - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Fields on fire?

We visited a small village named Zrnovce located near Kocani. I had the luck of taking a few photos of the burning rice fields there. Fire, Zurnovce. Obviously this is a common thing there as people intend to burn the fields so that the ...
źródło: BlogSearch

fields on fire?

we visited a small village named zrnovce located near kocani. i had the luck of taking a few photos of the burning rice fields there. fire, zurnovce. obviously this is a common thing there as people intend to burn the fields so that the ...
źródło: BlogSearch

fields on fire?

we visited a small village named bzrnovce/b located near kocani. i had the luck of taking a few photos of the burning rice fields there. fire, zurnovce. obviously this is a common thing there as people intend to burn the fields so that the ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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